Service Providing to MICUTUR-Mozambique
MICUTUR –UNWTO National Strategic Plan for the Development of Tourism in Mozambique (2015-2024)
Human Resources and Quality Specialist May 2014-2018
The overall project goal was to provide the Ministry of Culture and Tourism with a documented tourism growth strategy and implementation plan for developing the tourism industry as a key catalyst for rapid economic growth and job creation, in support of the Government of Mozambique’s economic development goals .
The National tourism HRD and Quality Specialist is responsible for providing support in manpower planning component and suitable quality assuntance scheme for Mozambique
Grading Assessment Training –INATUR December 2014 – Current
Training in the application of the new model questionnaire and existing Matrix Classification and verification of compliance and non-compliance and request the appropriate corrective actions to the adequacy of the proposed establishment of quality standards for the classification category which the establishment intends to operate.